Verbal aggression is communication with the intent to cause harm, regardless of whether it actually occurs. This type of aggression is more subtle and covert than physically attacking a person, but can still be as harmful to the victim. It can involve teasing, ridicule, openly hostile remarks, unjustified persistent criticism, and shouting insults, or even more covert actions such as spreading hurtful rumors.
Research has shown that people who engage in verbal aggression are able to manipulate others and control them through their communication. These behaviors are often seen as a form of bullying, and they can lead to physical violence. People who display verbal aggression are also more likely to be perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence (IPSV).
There are two types of verbal aggressiveness: overt and covert. Overt verbal aggression involves blatant and direct displays of the aggression, such as yelling and threatening to physically harm another person. Covert verbal aggression is more subtle, such as ignoring the other person, or hiding a more obvious display of the behavior.
Overt verbal aggression is more common in men than women, and it may be a result of males being socialized to express their aggression through physical means. People who are more assertive and are able to control themselves tend to be less likely to exhibit overt verbal aggression. People who are argumentative, however, do not have the same control over their behavior and will be more likely to engage in covert forms of verbal aggression.
Studies have shown that there is a strong link between verbal aggressiveness and anger. Verbal aggression is a major factor in workplace violence and the most common form of bullying in schools. Verbal aggression can have many negative effects, including damage to the victim’s self-concept and a decrease in their well being. The most damaging effects are long term and can affect a person’s life in ways that are difficult to reverse. For example, teasing someone about an aspect of their physical appearance can leave lasting scars and may lead to low self-esteem.
In addition, verbal aggression can have a number of negative consequences for the communicator. It can make them feel more aggressive and increase their sense of power, and it can cause them to become more likely to use physical aggression in their interpersonal relationships. Some studies have shown that the underlying personality trait that predicts verbal aggression is argumentativeness. A study by Infante, Trebing, Shepard and Seeds analyzed arguments that were both high and low in arousal and found that those who are argumentative are more likely to show verbally aggressive behaviors. A more recent study showed that argumentativeness was also predictive of a variety of outcome measures, including aggression and hostility. The studies that have been done on the Verbal Aggression Scale have shown that it is a valid and reliable measure. The scale consists of 10 items, and both the approach and avoidance subsets have acceptable reliabilities. This suggests that the scale is a good measure of verbal aggression and should be used for future research.